Creating Your Business Idea - START HERE


Entrepreneurship, running a business, having an online empire. Maybe you’ve heard people say that this is what they do. Maybe you’ve seen some influencers and gurus posting about all their successes. But is this really possible for YOU? Can you do it from scratch, with no audience, and no savant-level skill? Well I am here to let you know that the simple answer is YES - with a great idea!

Hi - my name is Jordan Taylor and I started this blog you’re reading right now as part of a new brand, STARTA (Stop Talking And Really Take Action - I like acronyms). My vision for this brand is to help you build your own online empire from scratch.

Maybe you already have an idea for a business, but aren’t sure if it’s the best idea (or if it can get you paid). Maybe you have absolutely NO idea for a business, but know you want to do something to break away from the mold. Or maybe you’re somewhere in between. In any case, I want to help you build the foundation for a real online brand. And if you’re still reading, you’re on the right track. Now let’s get to how we’re going to get you your perfect business idea.

A good first step to building the foundation for your online empire is stacking your talents. What does that mean? Just think of some things you’re good at (you can ask people you know if you want to get an outside perspective) and combine them in a way that’s a little unique. You don't need to be the best at any one thing. Just pick 2 or 3 things that you're relatively good at or enjoy doing, and combine them.

For example, you might be good at drawing, and playing the ukulele. One way to stack these together might be by having an Instagram page where you showcase your drawings while your ukulele soundtrack plays in the background. Maybe you make ukulele art: drawings of ukuleles, or drawing on ukuleles. Now I wish I could do either of those two things, but I digress..

Your next step, is to do some research. Find out if there are people that care about it. Google is a nice place to start. You REALLY want to focus on researching here, and find out what people in your niche care about. What pain points or challenges do they have?

And just in case you think your idea won’t have anyone interested in it. Here’s what I found after ONE search for the “ukulele art” idea I just made up for this post:


If you can complete those two steps, then you, my friend, have found a great idea to build into a real online brand!

Now maybe you need a little more of a step-by-step approach for this. No problem - I got you covered.

Check out this free two-page jumpstart PDF guide and find your perfect business idea to start your very own online empire!