What is STARTA


Revolutionize your life by learning how to build your own online empire in easy, manageable steps!


Have you ever thought about turning your passion into a business? Ever wanted to make a living doing what you love? It's safe to say we probably all have. Probably sounds too good to be true though right? Well, STARTA will get you there, one easy step at a time.

We post FREE content to our YouTube channel and our Blog, host live broadcasts, as well as step out into the entrepreneurial community to help people just like you make these dreams a reality!

Let's Start!


Who’s Behind The Curtain?


My name’s Jordan Taylor. I’m a young online entrepreneur living in the Toronto area, and I’m the founder of STARTA, a brand that helps entrepreneurs build and grow their brand or business using mostly online tools. Before making the shift to business, my focus was learning how to produce multimedia content such as videos, audio recordings, music, and more. 

As a lifelong dreamer and go-getter, I’ve always had a true passion for providing people with real, valuable, actionable information, and now have become the go-to guy with regards to online business strategies for my clients, colleagues, friends, and family. I’ve always had a passion for relaying information as well as facilitating people’s learning. I pride myself on finding out what drives people, and using that to help them actually make it happen for themselves!

I’ve helped people expand the impact of their businesses by helping them create and grow their YouTube channels, podcasts, websites, email lists, and digital products and services. Some of my clients have gone on to gain millions of views, hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and grow their revenue into the six-figure range.